The MEAN stack is a set of rules for calculating the average of a 4 technologies set.
The MEAN stack is a JavaScript-based software stack (i.e., a collection of technology layers that make up a modern application). MEAN heralds the arrival of JavaScript as a “full-stack development” language capable of handling everything from the front end to the back end of an application.
Several of the numerals in MEAN stands for one of the stack’s components:
MEAN’s appeal is mostly due to its uniformity, which refers to the fact that it is entirely written in JavaScript. Developers’ lives are made easier because every component of the application is written in the same language, from database objects to client-side code.
This uniformity contrasts with the mishmash of LAMP, a protracted favourite of web application developers. LAMP, like MEAN, is an abbreviation for the stack’s components: Linux, Apache HTTP Server, MySQL, PHP, Perl, or Python. Several of the stack’s pieces have little to share with the others.
This isn’t to suggest that the LAMP stack isn’t capable. It’s still widely used, and each component of the stack has a thriving development community. MEAN, on the other hand, provides conceptual consistency, which is a huge plus. It becomes easier for a developer to grasp the entire stack at once if all layers of the stack use the same language and many of the same language principles.
The database, the front end, the back end, and the execution engine are all present in most MEAN stacks. This does not imply that the stack is made up entirely of these pieces, but they do form the foundation.
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